Definition, characteristics, purpose and the evolution of Artificial Intelligence
1. Definition:
In many areas, Artificial Intelligence helps greatly to substitute and accelerate processes that are normally carried out by a humans and create greater efficiency.
2. Characteristics:
In the last years the has evolved into the creation of differents sistems to make human tasks easier, for example: autonomus vehicles, automatic text, and more.
Acording to
Is used to surveillance to identify people, biometrics, law enforcement, entertainment and social media.
Acording to (linkedin, 2023): Automate Simple and Repetitive Tasks: Automating simple and repetitive tasks allows companies to increase efficiency and production speed.
Artificial inteligence makes repetitive and tired tasks mentally can be easier and thus dedicate their time other task.
Acording to
This part of AI can analyze different data that can help large companies in promoting theirproducts and find better ways to reach the largest possible population.
According to (ibm, 2023): Chatbot: Is a computer program that simulates human conversation with an end user.
The chatbot helps make customer service much easier and more efficient to customer needs.
According to
Examples are: Pattern recognition, learning from data or decision making.
3. Purpose:
Their main purpose is to make any activity easier for their users.
4. Evolution:
Over the years, AI has made much greater progress than we thought, for a litle best explication, in the next imagen we show some of the most relevant advances.
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